Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh so Thankful & Grateful

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!
Henry Ward Beecher

You may have seen my previous post where I had a heavy heart. I had been given more bad news then good regarding several friends. I have to think that good things will come their way in health, happiness, employment, etc.

I too had a bit of concern after trotting off to my first Mammogram the very next day I got a phone call my dear son not knowing that this was any cause for alarm waited until I got home from work to tell me. Now it's Friday evening & of course I have to wait until Monday. I tell myself reassuredly that it's out of my hands. Monday they give me the news there is an "abnormal mass on the right breast." I need to come in soon for the Ultrasound. I schedule it for 1 -1/2 wks later because that's my next week day off. Well long story short it was all OK! Today the tech could not find the mystery "nodule" nor could the Dr that reviewed it! Phew! I go back in 6 mo. for mammo #2. Now I encourage everyone to follow through I know I just did it because now that I'm 41 it's the thing to do. It can happen to anyone, so let's stay on top of it.


bonniebluedenim said...

Jill, so glad all is well! going for my mammogram on tuesday feb 3!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my site and being a follower.
I prayers go out to you. I have walked the walk and talk the talk of cancer for the past two years with my hubby. I pray all is well in your life.
katrina in AZ

JillzWhimzy said...

Thankyou for the kind words & prayers it does go to show that you just can't take things for granted.

PeregrineBlue said...

Jill, what a surprise to have your close. You adding me as a read has led me to your blog where i read about your worries. You will now be in my thoughts together with so many others i am praying for. times are very uncertain now so we must hold hands and help each other. i feel that this is a sort of rewind and unwind at the same time. although we will be tighter econimically i truly believe it will lead us back to what is real and important. ihave already seen it among my friends. i will be thinking of you. blessings, constanza