Wednesday, May 27, 2009

convenzione final finale

my final day in California with Lynne at a tearoom
my incredible teachers:
Lisa Kettell, & Iva Wilcox

Lisa & Joan my Idol

Special thanks to:
Chelise the Queen of ZNE who makes it happen.

Lisa & Iva for being outstanding teachers.

My favorite sisters Jennifer & Yvonne for always making me laugh.

Joan for being my true Idol & I so want to read the book "adventures with Joan"

Jenny for being just as sweet in person as your papier mache creations.

Julee for always having the fab hair & having such a great workshop. Domino's Rock!

Mica for being so down to earth & super fun! What an amazing talent you are.

Ann Denise for being the queen of crepe goodness wow are you awesome.

Donna my bestest ZNE'r bud - I just luv ya! You're a super teacher!

Debrina for being so fun to sit with in class.

Melissa for making me smile.

Shari for being sweet & making such pretty things.

Big hugs & special thanks to my hostess Lynne she was so very kind to put me up for the stay & take me everywhere. I do appreciate your friendship your very dear. Thanks also to Bill & Millie
& remember "It's all good!" which was my motto.

(thanks to Lisa for the great photos)

1 comment:

Shari Replogle said...

Hi Jill,
You got a lot of wonderful pictures. Ok, I am jealous that you got tea , and In-and-Out burger while you were there.